Dr Ola Ogunyemi, the convener of the Media of Diaspora Research Group (MDRG) at the University of Lincoln, has edited a book titled ‘Journalism, Audiences and Diaspora’. The book, written by leading scholars on diaspora journalism, is one of the few scholarly texts on the journalistic practices of the diasporic media around the world. The 15 chapters explore how diasporic communities engage with local, national and global processes (social, cultural and governmental) and how diasporic news reflects those linkages. It will be launched at the forthcoming MDRG International Symposium in October, 2015. For more information about the book, please visit http://www.palgrave.com/page/detail/journalism-audiences-and-diaspora-ola-ogunyemi/?K=9781137457226
Author: Ola Ogunyemi
News – Media Representation and Africa
Ola Ogunyemi was invited to participate as a panel member at the CAS 50th Anniversary Conference titled ‘Media Representation and Africa: whose money, whose story?’ on Friday 20th February, 9am-6pm, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
A diverse selection of high-profile speakers drawn from academia and the media industry will address questions of representation, narrative and institutional funding with regards to Africa in the media. This one-day conference aims to take the debate forward beyond the ‘Africa Rising’ vs the ‘desperate continent’ discussion and look at current and future trajectories in commissioning, producing and reporting both outside and within the continent. Bringing together those working in the areas of documentary, news reporting, television drama and fictional film, this event promises to develop angles for debate and provide a range of views from those working in front of and behind the camera.
For more information, pls visit Programme available to download from the website
Forthcoming Edited Book – Journalism, Audiences and Diaspora
Edited by Dr Ola Ogunyemi
Publisher: Palgrave.
Expected publication date: February 2015.
Content Page:
List of Figures and Tables
Foreword by Prof. Ralph Negrine
Notes on Contributors
1 Conceptualising the Media of Diaspora
Olatunji Ogunyemi
Part I Production Practices
2 Imagine what the Gentiles must think: Editors of the Jewish press reflect on covering the Bernie Madoff financial scandal Hinda Mandell
3 Transnational Public Spheres and Deliberative Politics in Zimbabwe: An analysis of www.NewZimbabwe.com Shepherd Mpofu
4 Negotiating Cultural Taboos in News Reporting: A Case Study of the Diasporic Media in the UK Olatunji Ogunyemi
5 Journalism of Turkish Language Newspapers in the UK
Sanem Sahin
Part II News Production and Processing
6 Discursive Inclusion and Hegemony: The Politics of Representation in Migrant Minority Media Lucía Echevarría Vecino, Alicia Ferrández Ferrer, and Gregory Dallemagne
7 The Voice of the International Community’: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Immigration Reports in The Copenhagen Post Teke Ngomba
8 The South Asian-Canadian media’s resistance to gender and cultural stereotyping
Anupreet Sandhu Bhamra and Paul Fontaine.
9 The impact of the Yom Kippur War (1973) in the Jewish-Argentine Diaspora press Laura Schenquer and Liliana Mayer.
10 The Counter-journalism of Roma Minority Media in Bulgaria Svetlana D. Hristova
Part III Reception and Consumption
11 Dispatches from the dispersed: Comparatively analysing the role of internet-based diaspora journalism in Zimbabwean and Iranian contexts Donya Alinejad and Bruce Mutsvairo
12 Contested place and truth-work: investigating news reception and diasporic sense of place among British Jews Eyal Lavi
13 Diaspora Media Consumption: A Case study of UKZambians Magazine Brian Chama
14 New Media Use by the U.K.’s Palestinian Diaspora Amira Halperin
15 Longing and Belonging: An exploration of the online news consumption practices of the Zimbabwean diaspora Tendai Chari
16 Postscript: Prospects for Future Research Olatunji Ogunyemi
Call for Chapter and Conference Abstracts
Journalism, Audiences and Diaspora
Proposed to Palgrave for publication in 2014
This edited book focuses on the journalism practices at the diasporic media and the media habits of their audiences. The aim is to bridge the hiatus in journalism literature which focuses on journalism practices at and audiences of the mainstream media, ethnic media and alternative media, but scantly explore journalism practices from the perspectives of the practitioners of media of diaspora. Hence, we have little understanding of the contributions of the diasporic media to the diversity of journalism and to the global public sphere. But the examination of the media of diaspora is a pertinent research enquiry because of their proliferation in the past two decades, thanks to the advent of new information technology, and their orientation/connective roles. The editor would like to encourage scholars from interdisciplinary fields to contribute chapters to this book.
The proposed edited book will have three thematic parts.
Part I: News Production Practices at the Diasporic Media A case study of a diasporic media with empirical study of one of the following concepts (news agenda, business model, objectivity, news values, gatewatching, etc) will be appropriate in this section.
Part II: News Content of the Diasporic Media A case study of a diasporic media with empirical study of one of the following concepts (self-representation, connective/orientation roles, diversity of content, source diversity, ethics, etc) will be appropriate in this section.
Part III: Reception and Consumption of Diasporic Media A case study of a diasporic media with empirical study of one of the following concepts (access and usage, tastes and preferences, audience evaluation, etc) will be appropriate in this section.
Please send a short abstract detailing the chapter title, theory, method(s) and case study. Please provide a paragraph of ‘bionote’ and contact details with your abstract.
Please indicate if you would like to present your paper at the MDRG’s International Symposium. Those who are not contributing chapters to the edited book and postgraduate students are encouraged to subject abstract for the symposium.
Theme: Journalism, Audiences and Diaspora
Date: 4 October 2013
Venue: University of Lincoln, UK
Please send your chapter abstract and/or conference abstract by email to oogunyemi@lincoln.ac.uk
Last date for receiving abstracts (300 words): 31 May, 2013 Abstract confirmed: 10 June 2013 Deadline for draft full paper: 31 October, 2013.
Report on Symposium 2012
Pls find attached below.